Protecting the privacy of our customers is very important to Therefore, we are committed to respecting the privacy of individuals and implementing the most effective security measures to protect your personal information.

We will only use your name and other information in the manner set forth in this privacy policy. We will only collect the necessary information and related transactions between us and you.

We will only keep your information for as long as the law requires or for the purpose for which it was collected.

ou can visit the site without having to provide any personal information. When you visit the site, you will always be in anonymous status unless you have an account on the site and log in with your username and password.


When you register for an account on the personal information we collect includes:

– Name

– Address for delivery

– Email address

– Phone number

– Other information is required from time to time


The information mentioned above will be collected to:

– Manage the process of buying and selling goods based on your order, including the provision of this information to third parties for delivery or payment of purchases

– Support the management of your account

– Complete the features on the site or deal with issues related to the transaction process

– Set up loyalty programs or other promotions

– Sending promotional information or other information to you via email address, home address or telephone number with your prior consent

– Perform other activities for the transaction at the website, with your prior consent



Thuy Duong Limited Liability Company – The owner of the website – is the information gathering organization described in this document. Details of Thuy Duong Limited Liability Company are as follows:

– Thuy Duong Limited Liability Company

– Tax code: 0301867766

– Headquarters address: 240 Ter Trần Hưng Đạo, Phường Nguyễn Cư Trinh, Quận 1, TP. HCM

– Phone: 08 3832 9183

– Fax: 08 38329186

– Email:

– Website:

The information provided by you will be kept for a period of time in accordance with the law or for a period of time that meets the purpose and scope of use specified in the terms and conditions.


When selecting the “Account management” function, you can edit, update your information.

You may also request that Thuy Duong correct your information, including changing the delivery address for a particular order by contacting our Customer care Department at (08) 3832 9183 or e-mail address

In order to best protect your personal information, please be absolutely careful in keeping your personal information private and cooperate with Thuy Duong immediately upon detection of unauthorized access or Signs are unusual for your account.

You must comply with security rules to ensure that the security is effectively enforced. Thuy Duong is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these privacy rules.


We undertake not to share your information with any other company except those companies and third parties directly involved in the delivery that you have purchased at And unless the law requires the disclosure of personal information or transaction details, we are committed to:

– Use this information to serve your order and for other purposes with your prior consent

– Do not disclose this information to any third party for commercial or other illegal purposes

– Apply encryption methods for the entire ordering and payment process

– Apply the best solution and solution to best protect your information

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact Customer service at (08) 3832 9183 (extension: 107) or email address

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